Visita de Bachillerato a Madrid

Nuestro alumnado de 1º Bachillerato de Humanidades y Ciencias sociales y 2º Bachillerato visitaron la semana pasada el Congreso de los Diputados en Madrid y tuvieron la oportunidad de asistir al pleno de aprobación de los presupuestos generales.

También hicieron una visita al Museo del Prado, contando con las explicaciones de sus profesores acompañantes del Departamento de Historia y Geografía.

En el tiempo libre pudieron disfrutar de algunos exteriores emblemáticos de la capital. Cada alumno eligió dónde invertir su tiempo restante.

Tras la visita la profesora de Inglés les propuso realizar una reseña sobre su día en Madrid. Esta es la de la alumna Sara Lázaro, que nos resume así sus impresiones:


On Thursday 27th, we went to Madrid to visit the House of Commons, the Senate, the Prado Museum and the Retiro Park. Teachers warned us that we should be at High-School at seven o’clock in the morning to arrive on time to the House of Commons.

We travelled by bus and some students went by taxi. We thought that we will be punctual to the plenary session, but there was a huge traffic jam, so we ended up arriving late. After an hour, we left the plenary session.

We couldn’t visit the Senate because of the lack of time, but we get to see the offices where members of parliament work. We also saw the press room where politicians answer questions from journalists.

Then, we had lunch nearby the Prado Museum. After that, we entered to the Museum where we were able to learn new facts about the paintings thanks to the teachers’ explanations.

We didn’t visit the Retiro Park either because we had to be in Calamocha at 10 p.m. and it was a trip of three and a half hours. 

The school trip was worth it!!