Esta es la opinión de Darío, uno de los alumnos que asistieron a la charla:
I liked the talk a lot , there were some words I did not understand and others I have learned . The talk was about trees and he also told us that he went to Barcelona and Alicante. It was very funny how he spoke in Spanish and how he tried to pronounce the words well. He has made us a kind of power point presentation and has shown us a photo of Elizabeth II planting a tree. He has called out several people to write their names and some words in Spanish on the board. I liked it a lot and I found it very interesting.

El pasado 28 de Noviembre nos visitó Rob McBride, conocido como el TREE HUNTER. Nos visita cada año coincidiendo con la Fiesta del chopo cabecero.
Rob estuvo con los alumnos de 3º ESO aportando sus conocimientos acerca de los árboles milenarios, y la importancia que la naturaleza tiene en la salud física y mental de las personas.